Crystals for Aries Season

We have officially started a new astrological year! The sun entered the sign of Aries on March 20, 2021 which signifies the beginning of a new astrological year. Aries, the first sign of the astrological year, is known for its childlike energy, courage, and new beginnings.

The powerful, sometimes overbearing, energy of Aries season can be difficult for many of us to cope with. This post provides some guidance on how you can harness crystals to thrive this Aries season.

Sign: Aries
March 20, 2021 to April 19, 2021
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
House: 1st
Symbol: The Ram
Key Phrase: “My need to be independent and develop self-awareness”
Positive Expression: Innovation, inspiration, energetic, confidence, fearlessness, independence, enthusiasm, direct, spontaneous, childlike, innocent
Negative Expression: Recklessness, carelessness, impulsivity, irresponsibility, impatience, selfishness, violence, aggression, argumentative, temperamental, overbearing

Planet: The Sun
This planet changes signs about every 30 days and rules our center, life-force, and direction in life. Its keyphrase, according to Astrology for You (see sources below) is “my basic identity and conscious purpose”. 
Key Phrase: My basic identity and conscious purpose.
Sign: Leo
House: 5th

Significant Astrological Events
March 20th Sun enters Aries
March 21st Venus enters Aries
March 26th Venus Star Point occurs in Aries
March 28th Moon enters Libra (FULL MOON)
April 3rd Mercury enters Aries
April 11th Moon enters Aries (NEW MOON)
April 14th Venus enters Taurus
April 19th Mercury enters Taurus

Crystals for Aries Season
For Protection: Aries energy encourages us to act fearlessly and to forge a new path for ourselves. This can be extremely helpful for finding the courage to break free of attachments but can leave us vulnerable to the deception and threat caused by others. We recommend using bloodstone, hematite, and garnet for protection and strength. 

For Soothing: The childlike energy of Aries can also uproot feelings of unease, irritability, frustration, and anger which may cause us to feel overwhelmed or unbalanced. If this is the case for you, then the following crystals can help with soothing the mind, improving communication, improving empathy, and calming aggression and rough behavior. These crystals are aquamarine, aventurine, black onyx, clear quartz, and rose quartz.

For Intuition: During Aries season, it can be easy to lose sign of your Divine, spiritual connection as raw human emotions are emphasized. We recommend amethyst to improve intuition and connection to the Divine. 

For Prosperity + Courage: If you are not feeling these effects of Aries season, like fiery energy and courage, then you can use the following crystals to enhance the fire within. Citrine is a strong crystal for manifestations, eliminating negativity, and encouraging unconditional love and prosperity. The Aries fire can be lit by using carnelian. Note: carnelian may result in too much fire and lead to aggression and selfishness, make sure to balance it with one of the soothing stones above.

For more information on these stones, visit the Elemental Mystique Crystal Guide. 

Sources: The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall; Crystal Reiki by Krista N. Mitchell; Astrology for Yourself: A Workbook for Personal Transformation by Douglas Bloch and Demetra George


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