
Citrine is any quartz cluster that is yellow or orange in color. Although often cut as a gemstone, citrine is actually somewhat rare in nature.

Healing Qualities:
Metaphysical & Emotional: Cleanses energy centers; activates the crown chakra; improves intuition; energizes; recharges; increases creativity; protects; manifest wealth and prosperity; raises self-esteem; promotes individuality; enhances compassion; helps with overcoming depression and fear; improves communication

Physical: Helpful for ailments of the spleen, pancreas, kidney, bladder, eyes, thymus gland, and thyroid gland; relieves menstrual symptoms; stimulates digestion; fights infection; relieves constipation; balances hormones; and relieves fatigue

Tips for Use & Placement:

Citrine for Crystal Guide-min.jpg
  • Place in the wealth corner of your room (farthest back left point from the door) for wealth and prosperity

  • Use as an elixir for menstrual and menopausal symptoms

  • Use a sphere for meditation

  • Best when worn on the fingers or throat


  • Citrine can fade in sunlight

  • Natural citrine is very rare; however, it is very common to see heat-treated amethyst sold as citrine (often advertised as natural)

Quick Facts

Other Names:  Bohemian Topaz, Citron, Kundalini Quartz, Lemon Quartz

Crystal Variety:  Quartz

Crystal Color:  Yellow, smoky brown, grey-brown

Crystal Appearance:  Transparent, pointed crystals often found in geodes and clusters

Energy Center:  Base / Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus

Element:  Fire

Zodiac Sign:  Cancer, Leo, Gemini, Aries, Libra

Number:  6



