
Though Jasper can be a solid color, it is most often mottled, spotted, ringed, or striped. Jasper is an ancient gemstone and in antiquity was regarded as a valuable stone. A wonderful stone for emotional healing, it imparts a calm, soothing energy. Jasper builds confidence, reduces insecurities, and supports a healthy need to move forward in one's life. It also helps one let go of overwhelming feelings of guilt and unrealistic fears that only serve to inhibit healing and moving forward.


Healing Qualities:
Metaphysical & Emotional: Supports feelings of wholeness, helps with dream recall, absorbs negative energy, dispels electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), stimulates creativity, energizes

Physical: Helpful for ailments of the digestive system and sexual organs; improves circulation

Tips for Use & Placement:

  • Large pieces of brown jasper absorb negativity when placed in a room

  • Jasper is slow acting and best when used for long periods of time

Quick Facts

Other Names:  Imperial Jasper, Jasperite, Vabanite

Crystal Variety:  Chalcedony

Crystal Color:  Red, brown, yellow, green, purple, blue

Crystal Appearance:  Opaque and often patterned

Energy Center:  Base / Root, Sacral

Element:  Earth

Zodiac Sign:  Virgo, Aries, Scorpio

Number: 6



