Quartz: Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is one of the most desirable varieties of quartz. The pink to rose red color is completely unique, unlike any other pink mineral species. The color is caused by iron and titanium impurities.

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Healing Qualities:
Metaphysical & Emotional: Promotes unconditional love, allows for inner healing, calms, attracts love and self-love, dispels negative energy, opens the heart, releases emotional baggage and heartache, heals emotional pain, strengthens self-trust and self-worth

Physical: Helpful for ailments of the heart, circulatory system, chest, lungs, thymus gland, kidneys, and adrenal glands; relieves vertigo; improves fertility; aids in dementia

Tips for Use & Placement:

  • Attracts love when placed beside a bed, in the relationship corner of a home, or over the heart

  • Best when worn over the heart


  • Quartz can fade, crack or break in sunlight

Quick Facts

Other Names:  Pink Quartz, Bohemian Ruby

Crystal Variety:  Quartz

Crystal Color:  Pink to clear

Crystal Appearance:  Transparent or translucent

Energy Center:  Heart

Element:  Water

Zodiac Sign:  Taurus, Libra, Scorpio

Number: 7


Quartz: Clear Quartz


Quartz: Smoky Quartz